Applying for Tourism Investment Assistance Program

ETCB administers the Tourism Investment Assistance Program (TIAP) to assist applicants in promoting events that attract visitors to Elizabethtown. Please review the important information below AND within the grant application. For questions, please call us: 1-270-765-2175.

Agreement and Application for Tourism Investment Assistance Program
Post Event Form Tourism Invest Assistance Program
Event Operations Grant Application

Step 1:  Read the Agreement in order to make sure your event will qualify for funds.

Step 2:  Make sure you will have time for Tourism Board approval prior to your event date.

Event Date Application Due Date Commission Approval
April - June January 15 February 
July - September April 15 May
October - December July 15 August
January - March October 15 November

Step 3:  Complete the agreement and application, making sure to thoroughly answer each question. If application is incomplete, the approval process could be delayed.

Step 4:  Mail, deliver, or email the signed Agreement and completed Application to:

1030 North Mulberry Street
Elizabethtown, Kentucky 42701

Step 5:  The Executive Director will add you to the proper Board agenda according to the Time Chart. You may be asked to attend a meeting to present ideas about your event. 

Step 6: The Executive Director will notify you of the Board’s decision. 

Step 7:  Read over the Post Event Report to familiarize yourself with the paperwork requirements. (It is much easier if you keep up with invoices and advertisements as you are planning the event instead of trying to find those items after the event.)

Step 8: Submit your Post Event Report with all the required invoices and media ads to the Tourism Office within 45 business days after your event.