What does this mean for park employees that work for the City of Elizabethtown?
The park staff serves a key role in the operations and visitor experience. Those roles will still be needed. SFM and ETCB will work with City of Elizabethtown to ensure all staff members are maintained with the Sports Park staff or with other City Departments.
How much does the management firm cost and who pays for it?
There is a monthly management fee of $14,500 that will be paid by ETCB. There will be additional expenses as the full 5-year management contract is negotiated in the following months. The complete operations budget and 5-year contract will begin July 1, 2019.
Who owns the Sports Park now?
The City of Elizabethtown still owns the park. A lease was signed in August of 2018 leasing the park to ETCB. The City will continue to own the park, as ETCB will be responsible for the oversight of the new management group. SFM is an independent contractor for ETCB.
What changes will local families see at the park?
With the change in management, there will be more, and different types, of events (both sports events and other types of activities) at the park. In the past, the park has operated as a rental facility. SFM has plans to add events that are owned and run by the park, as well as to add new programs. These programs will be available to local families, as well as our visitors. This doesn’t happen overnight, so it will take some time to build these types of events, but rest assured, they are in the plans for the future!
What does this mean for local youth programs?
The lease agreement between the City and ETCB maintains the same policies moving forward. This means that local youth leagues will continue to have access to the park during the week, to hold games. When it’s time for each league to start registration and planning, local sports commissions will continue to work with park staff to plan and schedule.
As a coach, athlete, or parent of an athletes, what about upcoming events?
Tournaments planned for the 2109 season are still on! There will be no changes to those events. And watch for even more events added for future seasons. If your team is registered for a future event, you do not need to do anything. We will see you at the park!
If I want to work at the Sports Park this season, what should I do?
Watch for announcements on the Sports Park’s twitter (@etownsportspark) and FB (Elizabethtown Sports Park) they are currently accepting applications. You can also call the park office at 270-765-6132 for an application.
For more information, please contact Janna Clark, Sports Development Director at sports@touretown.com.
ETCB= Elizabethtown Tourism & Convention Bureau
SFM= Sports Facilities Management